Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Louis Kathman's Visit and Lesson

Notes from Louis' visit to our class and their ministry:
Louis' website is: Some key points:
God is in sovereign control of the recession. He expects us to be faithful in our giving of tithes and offerings EVEN during a recession Malachi 3:6-11. He alone gives us the ability to create and sustain wealth. He alone can take that away and give it at his discretion. God has blessed us financially primarily to advance His kingdom. True believers are driven to advance the Kingdom of God. False believers are not. We live in a world where if you make 5,000 per year you are wealthier than 86% of the world's population. If you make 50,000 per year, you make more money than 99% of the world's population. Key verses: Matthew 6:19-20 Luke 12:32-34 Matthew 25:31-46 Matthew 7:21-23

A $5 Chinese Bible distributed through impacts as many as 300 people with the Gospel. An $1800 deep bore water well through Operation Blessing's Living Water Well program gives water to thousands of people the rest of their lives in continents like Africa and countries like India ( A group of Christians like your Sunday school class CAN change the world! One more thought Jesus is referred in John and Revelation as the Word of God. Jesus and the Bible(Word of God) are inextractable. You can guage your love for Jesus by your love and use of the Bible. Blessings!

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